residencias artisticas Tag

17 Jan Jose Allen //

(Cebas / Catalonia) resident artist during the months of September, October, November and December of 2024 at 22cubic, art residency focused on performance art, action and inaction art. Gana i set. Fora la fam! Action in memory of the six people executed by hanging, victims of reprisals...

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02 Apr The return to rooting //

We open a new crack in reality, we open new portals to other worlds that are the art of performance, of action and inaction art. Located in the Capelles del Convent de Sant Agustí in Barcelona we once again caress the wind, we once again wrap ourselves between walls, we whisper to the stones, we move with the historical cracks...

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Melina Peña Photo by Luz Verduzco _ MATERIC.ORG _

29 Nov Melina Peña //

(de la frontera EE.UU/Mexico) seleccionada para la residencia artística 22cubic. HILUM busca activar la memoria como vía hacia posibles respuestas donde nuestra cultura, historia, y antepasados se ponen al descubierto para desarticular las capas culturales que se nos han impuesto como forma de dominio y combatir el miedo....

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Marta Lodola foto Paco Justicia _ MATERIC.ORG _

27 Nov Marta Lodola //

(Italy) selected for the artistic residence 22cubic “ACTIONS AGAINST BORDERS #1 BREAKING POINT”, a project that merges urban space and performative practice as research on the actual meaning of our society’s borders. The process generates a slow and continous creation of an audio archive, collecting experiences, stories and social conditions on an...

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Helen Ceballos foto Marco Pachiega_MATERIC.ORG_

01 Dec Helen Ceballos //

(Caribbean) Transdisciplinary artist of performance that uses herself as subject and object of study to expand signs. Born in the Caribbean of the 80s, between three islands: Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Antillean. She is a worker of art and cultural management....

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Paloma Orts foto Marco Pachiega _ MATERIC.ORG _

14 Oct Paloma Orts //

(Valencia) Performer, visual artist and teacher. Listen to the earth, the nature, the person sitting next to me in the train, the child playing at the edge of the sea, the gestures of my mother and stir the soups with my grandmother's spoon. To feel that for me is the gift of life, it is art itself, to which I only respond...

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