02 maig Lesley Yendell // EMPREMTA 2017 festival internacional de performance
Escultora anglesa, resident al Penedès. Ha treballat en diversos projectes arreu d’Europa.
Els processos de la seva obra escultòrica l’han conduït a explorar idees que han derivat en accions i treballs performàtics. “L’obra de Lesley suggereix històries que al mateix temps oscil·len entre diferents realitats – una genuïna fusió de diferents disciplines que creen quelcom únic ….”
Lesley Yendell BARRO
Barro is a game of changing states in which objects are transformed, modified and reshaped by the application of water. On a table a tea service is laid out and the cups filled with water. Beside the table on the floor a drawing is simultaneously created from clay dust. Small disasters occur and creation is pursued by imminent destruction and transformation. A play of opposites: wet /dry, construction /deconstruction and solid/dust accompany the alterations. The objects are carried by this transmutation and respond to a new state and find unexpected possible futures.
Elemental and profound the piece is as complex and simple as the opposites it contains.
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