02 maig Kubra Khademi // EMPREMTA 2017 festival internacional de performance
Una ànima. Un ésser humà. Una dona. Una feminista. Una refugiada. Però què hi fa? El seu art implica tot.
Kubra Khademi és una artista afganesa que va néixer el 1989. Ella és una artista de performance afganesa i una feminista radicada a París. A través de la seva pràctica, Khademi explora la seva vida com a refugiada i com a dona. Va estudiar arts plàstiques a la Universitat de Kabul, abans d’assistir a la Beaconhouse National University a Lahore, Pakistan. A Lahore va començar a crear performances en espais públics, una pràctica que va continuar en el seu retorn a Kabul, on el seu treball va respondre activament davant d’una societat dominada per homes en una extrema política patriarcal. Després de realitzar la seva peça coneguda com a Armor el 2015, Khademi es va veure obligada a fugir del seu país d’origen. Actualment viu i treballa a París, França.
Kubra Khademi 18KG PERFORMANCE
The journey continues within the earth, the mother earth, the female mother, the female body, the feminine body with curves – filled with salt which insists on herself, on her salty self. a pregnant woman just like a very much woman. a desired woman, a successful woman who gives birth, who gives life to a living being. The shape disappears slowly and gently in the presence of everyone; her presence, the audience and the water that was ingressing into her body-earth, washes and demolishes her body.
I was a heavy pregnant woman. smiling i walked and set in the space, water start running from above and slowly started melting the salt of my breasts then stomack and buttom. water was cold and it was hard to bear it but i must have waited to get all salt run and disapear with water. my body slightly was shaking because of coldness of water too, it was uncomfortable but my goal was to walk out with no salt under my costume. i was feeling very alone under the gaze of audience even though most of the time i had my eyes close.
I remember i cried for a while but i was sure no one saw it, because i was under so much water, few drops were not visible at all, i think i had pain somehow and slowly i was giving birth.
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