Mireia Zantop Tag

10 Dec Mireia Zantop //

(Mediterranean) resident artist during the months of September, October, November and December of 2024 at 22cubic, art residency focused on performance art, action and inaction art. VEUS. Enter on tiptoe and the empty space is filled with presences. "Ex nihil nihil fit" Move the patterns of the imagination to recover ...

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09 Nov To Collectivise Performance Pedagogies //

Encuentro de artistas, personas, seres, gentes, … envueltxs en el mundo de la performance o arte de acción. Este encuentro, formado por un grupo de 6 propuestas y 7 cuerpxs, se trama a partir y con la idea de compartir pedagogías de manera directa. Una vez a la semana durante seis semanas cada cuerpx comparte, mediante un taller...

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30 Oct CORPOLOGIA 24 //

CORPOLOGIA is an occasion for artists and people who use actions to investigate the present to come together freely and independently. Each performer’s piece can take any form and must be no more than ten minutes long. We usually work without technical or stage sets and each person brings along what they need....

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