Marina barsy Janer x Isil Sol Vil Tag

09 Nov To Collectivise Performance Pedagogies //

Encuentro de artistas, personas, seres, gentes, … envueltxs en el mundo de la performance o arte de acción. Este encuentro, formado por un grupo de 6 propuestas y 7 cuerpxs, se trama a partir y con la idea de compartir pedagogías de manera directa. Una vez a la semana durante seis semanas cada cuerpx comparte, mediante un taller...

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22 Feb Leo Kay, Sergio Pelayo, Alexandra Zierle & Paul Carter, Marina Barsy Janer x Isil Sol Vil //

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]6 ARTISTS IN THE FOREST Meeting held at the 22cubic art residency, a natural space located in a place yet to be discovered. 6 artists meet, live together and create without the existence of roles, parameters or indications, developing an intuition for the individual and community needs that arise at each moment. 5 days of intense exploration and performative immersion. PARTICIPANTS LEO KAY SERGIO...

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Isil Sol Vil x Marina Barsy Janer

13 Jan Isil Sol Vil x Marina Barsy Janer //

Trembling of the earth and heartbeat of the sea. Blazing and burning salt, salt of the destruction. A lime mask that consumes the faces. A fire liberated from the waters. To bury ourselves in salt. To stop breathing in order to breath oneself in the other. A dialogue across agony and suffocation....

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