Marina Barsy Janer //

25 Jul Marina Barsy Janer //

(Puerto Rico)

Researches the practice, orchestration, history and theory of performance.
She explores the body as uncanny and fragmented, social container, bridge and vehicle, sensuous and grotesque. Trickster of her own historical, social, political, cultural, classed and sexed ties; she lives the trans/LOCAlization of her performativity. Her work has been driven by the existential quest of an affected-affective corpus where issues of gender, spirituality, otherness, and colonialism have emerged. Considering our relations and our ‘being in the World’ as intersubjective and intercorporeal her work explores the soma-politics of the encounter providing new spaces for tension and negotiation to occur. The traces of the encounter become liminal object of a third space in a specific time (duration) and space (site). Human/animal; subject/object; individual/communal; life/death, are some of the dichotomies that become blurred… Under the scope of ways of decolonising the body-geographies (de-linking from internal colonialism) she engages in forms of
‘aesthetic activism’ exploring relationality, the systematic and the intrinsic fear, legal implications of the body, modes of resistance and belonging, patriarchy’s roles and their masquerades.

Marina Barsy Janer DERMIS COMUNAL: Transmutación de una epistemología colonial / COMMUNAL DERMIS: Transmutation of a colonial epistemology

In collaboration with body therapist Fernando Martín Ibarra and Roger Gasull beekeeper.

Photos by Pancho de León


Marina Barsy Janer foto Pancho de León _ residència artística 22cubic a _
Marina Barsy Janer foto Pancho de León _ residència artística 22cubic a _

Desde la DERMIS
nuevas CartoGrafías emergen,
Extra-ídas a la superficie y (ex)tendidas fuera de Ésta.
donde la animalia es de todxs. . .

Otras pieles de otras ánimas,
Obreras de nuestras colonias;
volátiles. . .
movibles. . .
cadáveres de Vida en Vitalidad de muerte.
Quietud y zumbido de la transparencia
delicada materia que es potencia en su fragilidad.

un teRReno geográfico
de Otra Materia/ Cuerpo/ Objeto.
Se delinea Un Otro
horizonte corpóreo . . .más allá de las pieles. . .
en un devenir de e-n-f-o-q-u-e-s
donde la unidad es pluralidad;
OrganisTmo se devela /// como conjunción COMUNAL.

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