With the commitment and the desire to continue sharing art, we open this call for videos. We invite creations of all kinds in video format (performance, theater, puppets, circus, music, dance, video art, animation, poetry, sound art, etc …) that respond to one of the following concepts:
_ Body rebellion
_ Dislocated home
_ Neoliberal virus
_ (De)colonised tenderness
_ Analogical cyborg
_ Mutant time
_ World of dreams
28 March 2020
to apply
Send an email to espai@materic.org with the subject “video open call” with the following information:
_Online link to the video
_Concept (Body rebellion / Dislocated home / Neoliberal virus / (De)colonised tenderness / Analogical cyborg / Mutant time / World of dreams)
_Maximum duration of the video is 15 minutes
_Unpublished or previously made works are accepted.
_The selected works will be part of the digital platforms of MATERIC.ORG for online viewing.
_The production of the project will be entirely carried out by the participating artists.
_The artists give the image rights of their work to MATERIC.ORG, with the sole objective of being part of an online archive, without profit.
_There is no financial agreement between MATERIC.ORG and the participating artists.
The participation in this call implies the acceptance of its terms.
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