22 Apr Joana Moher //

While listening to a soundscape harvested somewhere in between zones in transition: at Portugal, São Pedro de Moel’s Cybernetic Habitats (A MATA BICHO field Recordings) OR at Hospitalet del Llobregat, Catalan’s Urban Cosmology (CHROMO-OXO.ME field Recording).Even though I know that in reality it is just 4 seconds of centrifugal wind in loop...

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15 Apr Domestic lab with Joana Moher //

Domestic laboratory of sonoplastic participation by migrant artivist, resident of 22cubic SPACE / OBJECT / BODY in the modality of BODY in MATERIC.ORG, Joana Moher (Portugal), where the attendees will be able to experiment, feel and be participants of the developing process of this spatial intervention...

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01 Apr Resolution of 22cubic SPACE / OBJECT / BODY

We have the pleasure to announce the resolution for 22cubic SPACE / OBJECT / BODY. The 22cubic team formed by Isil Sol Vil, Montserrat AA and Marina Barsy Janer has decided to select the following artists for the different modalities: SPACE Joana Moher aka Lu Portugal OBJECT Cristina Planas Peru BODY Lisa Stertz Germany ...

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17 Feb OPEN CALL artistic residencies 22cubic SPACE/OBJECT/BODY

22CUBIC is the space within MATERIC.ORG destined to the development of artistic proposals, in the format of residencies. The project of MATERIC.ORG is developed by three concepts: BODY / OBJECT / SPACE. This open call for artistic residencies continues this conceptual triad. Three residencies are offered to develop a proposal that has resonance with SPACE, OBJECT or BODY. Within each...

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